Durham University

Durham University
MNU Co-ordinator: Joseph Mulhern ([email protected])
Website: https://www.dur.ac.uk/

Durham University combines an ancient tradition of learning with an understanding of contemporary global challenges and the breadth of expertise needed to resolve them. Durham was first endowed as England’s third university in 1832 and can trace its scholastic tradition back to the Venerable Bede, arguably the greatest European poet, scientist and historian of the 7th century. It is now a Russell Group University, was named the only UK University to gain a top 10 ranking in all its departments, and was placed 6th best in the UK (The Complete University Guide 2022). It is ranked 198 in the world in the Times Higher Education rankings (2023) and is proudly part of a World Heritage Site.
Research at Durham University is recognised for its international excellence and impact. Research institutes, Durham colleges and cross sector partnerships all enhance the work of our 3,000 staff. We know that this can be enhanced further through collaborating with MNU partners. Durham is pleased to be the lead university for the research theme of ‘Disaster Resilience’, which is being led by our esteemed Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience. Their recent research includes global work on volcanoes, finance, earthquakes and food security.
Durham University’s international community is varied and valued. Durham staff and students are often involved in international programmes and this year we welcomed 30% of students and 40% of staff who were of non-UK origin. Durham’s Internationalisation Strategy is based on the premise that research and education can be enhanced through international collaboration. MNU is an important part of that.
The Durham difference includes a collegiate system which provides an additional interdisciplinary academic community, extra-curricular activity and additional pastoral care. After degrees, Durham has a tradition of maintaining strong connections with our alumni through regular correspondence and events organised worldwide.